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Erotica in History
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Interesting Books to Read

Erotica Odyssey Book title (erosttl.jpg--255x360) This historical erotica of eleven stories discloses the titillating eroctic renditions of the ancient events and mysteries—from the sensual rituals of Minoan Parisienne, the love affairs of Egyptian Queen Hatshepsut, the harem conspiracy during the Akhenaten’s reign, to the romantic lessons that Hittite Prince Tudhalias learned from Lady Rapshelia.

Erotica Odyssey Book 2 title (eros2ttl.jpg--240x292) This historical erotica of ten stories discloses the titillating eroctic renditions of the ancient events and mysteries—from the sensual encounter of Theseus and an Amazon warrior, the ravish of Ariadne, the sizzling lovemaking of Achilles and Penthesileia, the love affairs of Clytemnestra and Aegisthus, the secret love of Princess Electra, Helen's rapturous life with Paris, to the romantic lessons that Odysseus learned from Egyptian courtesan.


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