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Human Origin

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Why don’t you take a break and read these insightful articles !

October 7, 2002
A Bushman woman (hotten.jpg--214x371)
Did we, modern humans, come from the same origin?
Do Human Races have their separate origins?

Some scholars believe that modern humans evolved gradually from ancient humans in many parts of the world. The ancient humans may have been Homo erectus, or archaic Homo sapiens, or other groups.

This proposal suggests that in each region, people gradually evolved from ancient to modern. For example, today’s inhabitants of southeastern Asia may have evolved from Java Man, and present-day people in the northeastern Asia region from Peking Man. Modern Europeans came out from an intermingling of Neanderthal people and others who migrated to Europe from elsewhere—possibly the Near East. One exception may be North and South Americas, where already-modern people arrived within the last 50,000 years.

September 13, 2002
A bonobo (pigmy chimpanzee) mother and her baby (2bonobo.jpg-157x232)
When and How Did We Become Human? (Part 1 of 3)
When Did We Lose Our Natural Fur Coats?

In the opinion of some, we became human when we produced and used tools. This requires free and usable hands. Later, a related scenario was produced by Friedrich Engels, who believed that “work” gave rise to humanity. These are without a doubt important viewpoints, but there are some other theories. . . .

September 13, 2002
Famous Mermaid in Copenhagen (copenhagen.jpg-281x340)
When and How Did We Become Human? (Part 2 of 3)
The Mermaid Legend

As if to strengthen our past amphibian life style, we have the mermaid legend, which turns out universal. Have you ever heard of a mermaid?
Of course, you have.

The origins of a half-human, half-fish creature date back to earliest history. The Babylonian god of the waters called Oannes was often portrayed as a man with a fish's tail, and a Syrian moon deity known as Atargatis, filled with shame after bearing a daughter by a young man, cast herself into a lake, whereupon her lower half turned into a fish's tail.

More than likely, these myths came out of our past amphibian life style before our ancestors settled down—after finding out how to raise wheat and barley—and formed farming communities around 9000 B.C. in the fertile crescent stretching over Levant and Mesopotamia.

September 13, 2002
The earth in danger (fcity2small.jpg-135x101)
When and How Did We Become Human? (Part 3 of 3)
Consideration into the Future

As the hairless ape, we have survived so far somehow, though we have gone through a critical moment or two such as Hiroshima and the cold war.

Now, we must think really hard because our foreseeable future is shadowed by many threats—overpopulation, the destruction of the environment, and the atomic bomb. If we can manage to survive them, there is no reason why we cannot look forward to a future spanning billions of years.


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