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How To Use an EMBED Tag
May 12, 2003


Play music / Play sound

<embed src="URL of a sound file" autostart="false" loop="true" width="144" height="45" volume="50" border="0">

loop="true" play endlessly. loop="false" play only once.

border="0" a border width (It is ignored when only the control bar appears such as in the above case.)

hidden="true" true if you want the control bar, false if you don’t.

autostart="true" true if you want the tune to be played automatically, false if you don’t.

width="144" height="45" The size of the display

volume="50" Volume (from 0 to 100)

You can use a relative address when you code on your local computer.

When you upload your web pages, the URL coule be either a relative or absolute address.


Use the EMBED tag when you play music in JavaScript.

Samoan Dancer (skirt4.gif--300x415)

Please move your mouse over Himiko, who then starts dancing to the tune. If you move your mouse out of the picture, she stops dancing and the tune stops as well.


<embed MASTERSOUND name="dance"
  src="../sound/samoa02.wav" autostart="false"
  loop="true" hidden="true">

<a href="javascript:;"
<img border="0" name="dancer" src="../oldhist/images/skirt4.gif"
  alt="Samoan Dancer (skirt4.gif--300x415)"
  width="300" height="415"></a>

When you want to play music in JavaScript, you use the name attribute and assign a certain name to the tune. In the above case, dance is given to its tune. When you play the tune, you write it, using the JavaScript method or function in the following manner:


When you stop the music, write like this:


MASTERSOUND is required whith Netscape, but not with IE. You write it down ONLY when you use the name attribute.

If you want to know more about JavaScript, please click the following link:

JavaScript Made Easy!


The BGSOUND tag is valid for IE, but not for Netscape.

<bgsound loop="infinite"
     src="URL of a sound file">

loop="infinite" play endlessly.

loop="2" play twice.

The tune will be played as soon as the web page is loaded. You cannot have any control over when you start the music.


When the usage is EMBED is forbidden, then you can start the music in the following manner:

Click here to listen to this music!

Click <a href="URL of a sound file">here</a> to listen to this music!



Beware of the copyright of MIDI music. The creater of a certain MIDI differs from its composer.

  • You have to obtain the permission of the original composer even if the creator of the MIDI gives you a permission.

  • If a CD contains a tune, its MIDI-nized tune cannot be distributed on the Net.

  • Try not to autostart a sound or tune. If a viewer is surfing at work or in the midnight, sounds might disturb the viewer as well as his or her coworkers.

  • Even if you like the tune, other people might dislike it.

  • Try to give some control to the viewer so that one can start or stop at one’s own will.

  • Endless plaing might disturb the viewer.


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  Home come the dancing girl is called Himiko?

    - bow-wow

She is a mascot girl of my ancient Japanese history site. The famous lady in the ancient times is Himiko, so she has the same name, but it is written in a different form in Japanese.

If you are interested in the ancient Japanese history, please click the following link:

Revised Ancient Japanese History

    - Akira

Copyright Akira Kato
About this author:
  • Educated both in Canada and Japan
  • Traveled extensively in Europe, Far East, and North America
  • Worked as management consultant, computer systems analyst, college instructor and freelance writer.
Akira Kato

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Why not buy one at a bargain?

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