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Booty also means Buttocks.
How about Bootylicious?
March 3, 2004


Combined with booty and delicious, bootylicious means “having delicious buttocks”.


A bootylicious butt (butt01e.gif--248x247)

How bootylicious it is!
Whose booty is this?
(You can see its owner all the way down below.
Or you can click the above picture to know her.)



Its slang meaning came from the African-American vernacular English, from the obsolete Black English word—booty, perhaps alteration of body.

Its variant form, boody, is also used to mean buttocks.




  1. goods or money obtained illegally

    Having secured a large booty, the Lion on their return from the forest asked the Ass to allot his due portion to each of the three partners in the treaty.
        — Fables by Aesop

  2. cut; a share of the profits

    Everyone got a cut of the earnings.

  3. (slang) buttocks. Mainly balck use. [Originally used by the black in the States]

  4. (vulgar Slang) vulva or vagina

  5. (vulgar slang) sexual intercourse

Betty winks (bettywk2.gif--185x596)
Wanna buy my goods?
Please click me!

  1. goods or money obtained illegally
    • dirty money
    • loot
    • pillage
    • plunder
    • prize
    • swag
    • stolen property
    • cut

  2. buttocks
    • ass
    • backside
    • butt
    • bum
    • behind
    • fanny
    • bottom
    • rear_end
    • posterior
    • backside
    • caboose
    • rump


Brenda’s got a face like a bulldog chewing a wasp, but damn! What a big booty she has.

Wasp (wasp03.gif--400x298)

Wasp (スズメバチ)

Spacer (spacer.gif--1x1))

Please move your mouse over her back.

If you’re interested in how to create the above work, please click the following link:

Looking-back Babe




  • not good, as if from one’s butt.



“Man, your lyrics are booty.”




  • nonsense; bull-shit



“He was spittin’ booty-cheddar.”


Charlize Theron (butt03g.gif--279x541)

Charlize Theron


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Does “fanny” also mean buttocks?

    - Mary Liu

Yes, it does. For example, she got off her fanny. This means, she stood up.

    - Akira

Copyright Akira Kato
About this author:
  • Educated both in Canada and Japan
  • Traveled extensively in Europe, Far East, and North America
  • Worked as management consultant, computer systems analyst, college instructor and freelance writer.
Akira Kato

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