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Ditzy Blonde
August 21, 2003

How does she look?

June Adams as a Jean Harlow lookalike (june091.gif--425x499)

Is she pretty, isn’t she?
If you think so, you may be mistaken. To find out how she really looks, please move your mouse over the picture.

She really looks dumb, doesn’t she?

If you believe so, you might have come to an early conclusion. To find out she really feels, please click the picture.

So, she feels dizzy, doesn’t she?

When you hear that June is a ditzy blonde, is she a stupid blonde or does she feel dizzy?

To find it out, I jumped to the online Cambridge Dictionary of American English.

The result is as follows:

ditzy is not found in the Campridge dictionary of American English (ditzy01.gif--490x200)

The “ditzy” is sometimes spelled as “ditsy”. So I entered the latter as well, and came up with the following result:

ditsy is not found in the Campridge dictionary of American English (ditzy02.gif--482x76)

Tsk tsk ... No luck with the Cambridge Dictionary!
So, I google-searched for “definition of ditzy”, and the following result came up:

Google search result for definition of ditzy (ditzy03.gif--484x402)

Out of the four hits, the third one appeared the best of all as shown below:

Definition of ditzy (ditzy04.gif--490x284)

“Ditzy” means “silly and scatterbrained”. And its etimology suggests “dizzy”. So I entered “dizzy” in the search boxes of both the Cambridge Dictionary and the above WordReference.com. The results are as follows:

Definition of dizzy on the Cambridge Dictionary (ditzy05.gif--522x356)

Definition of ditzy on WordReference.com (ditzy06.gif--475x321)

As you see, the definition on the WordReference.com appears much more extensive and informative.


Dizzy Blonde

smiling face of June Adams (june099.gif--425x499) So, you can also say a “dizzy” blonde, instead of a ditzy blonde, to mean that the girl is stupid as the girl at left becomes so when you move your mouse over her.

As you see in the above definition, however, “dizzy” also means “giddy”. In this case, she may feel a whirling sensation as she does when you click her.

A dizzy blonde, therefore, might mean a blonde in vertigo or a girl who gives you a whirling sensation with her charming looks and/or her voluptuous figure.

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    - Akira
Copyright Akira Kato
About this author:
  • Educated both in Canada and Japan
  • Traveled extensively in Europe, Far East, and North America
  • Worked as management consultant, computer systems analyst, college instructor and freelance writer.
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