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What are Glutes?
( PART 2 )
June 13, 2003

Now that you know the meaning of glutes, you probably wonder how many words are used to mean the same thing as glutes.

AOL Women Fitness four butts 
page (4butts.jpg--422x220) Butt 1 Butt 2 Butt 3 Butt 4 Please click each butt!

You’ve already seen the above picture. Now, take a close look at the brief note beside the picture. In this short paragraph, you find four words that mean “glutes”. Other meanings follow.


  • the end or extremity of anything, especially the thicker, larger, or blunt end considered as a support or handle as of a log, fishing rod and pistol.
  • an end that is not used or consumed.
  • remnant.
  • (slang) a cigarette .


  • the back of something as distinguished from the front.
  • the space or position at the back of something.
  • the hindmost portion of an army, fleet and so on.


  • at or toward the rear of or in back of.
  • later than.
  • after.
  • on the farther side of.
  • beyond.
  • supporting; promoting.
  • hidden or unrevealed by.
  • in arrears; behindhand.
  • Slight difference between Behind and After

    Behind applies primarily to position in space, and suggests that one person or thing is at the back of another. It may also refer to a fixed time:
    He stood behind the chair.
    The train is behind schedule.

    After apllies primarily to time. When it denotes position in space, it is not used with precision, and refers usually to bodies in motion:
    Rest after a hard day’s work
    They entered the room, one after another.


  • situated behind or at the rear of; hinder (opposed to anterior).
  • coming after in order as in a series.
  • coming after in time; later; subsequent (sometimes followed by to).
  • pertaining to the caudal end of the body.
  • on the side next to the main axis.
  • Often, as posteriors, the hind parts of the body.


June Adams wants you to see her ass. 

The following words also mean glutes.

ass (American)

  • a long-eared, sure-footed domesticated mammal, Equus asinus, used chiefly as a beast of burden.
  • a fool; blockhead.
  • slang (vulgar) the anus.
  • slang (vulgar) sexual intercourse.

arse (British)

  • used mainly in United Kingdom.
  • means more of less the same as above.


  • the rear or back part or view of an object, person, place, and so on.
  • hind part.


  • the lowest or deepest part of anything as distinguished from the top.
  • the under or lower side; underside.
  • the ground under any body of water.
  • low alluvial land next to a river.
  • the part of a hull that is immersed at all times.
  • a cargo vessel.
  • the seat of a chair
  • the fundamental part; basic aspect.
  • as bottoms, the trousers of a pair of pajamas.
  • the working part of a plow, comprising the plowshare, landside, and moldboard.
  • the cause or origin.
  • (chiefly British) the inmost part or inner end of a recess, bay, lane and so on.
  • (chiefly British) the most remote section of a garden or field.
  • (in baseball) the second half of an inning.
  • (in baseball) players low in the batting order, especially the last three.
  • lowest limit, especially of dignity, status, or rank; nadir.

bum (chiefly British)

  • (informal) a shiftless or dissolute person, especially a tramp or hobo.
  • (informal) to get for nothing.
  • (informal) to borrow without expectation of returning.
  • (slang) of poor, wretched, or miserable quality; bad.
  • false; misleading.

bun (also bann)

  • any of variously shaped bread rolls, either plain or leavened and slightly sweetened, sometimes containing spices, dried currants, citron and so on.
  • hair gathered into a round coil or knot at the nape of the neck or on top of the head.


  • (in humans) either of the two fleshy protuberances forming the lower and back part of the trunk.
  • (in animals) the ramp.


  • a container for food, milk and so on.
  • a receptacle for garbage, ashes and so on.
  • a bucket, pail, or other container for holding or carrying liquids.
  • a drinking cup; tankard.
  • (slang) toilet; bathroom.
  • (slang) a jail.
  • (military slang) a depth charge.
  • (slang) to dismiss; to fire.
  • (slang) to stop (saying, doing, or making something) as in Can that noise!


  • either side of the face below the eye and above the jaw.
  • the side wall of the mouth between the upper and lower jaws.
  • something resembling the side of the human face.
  • (in machinery) either of the sides of a pulley or block.
  • (informal) impudence or effrontery used as in None of your cheek!


  • the hip.
  • the fleshy part of the body about the hip.
  • a hind quarter of an animal.
  • the leg and loin of an animal used for food.
  • (in architecture) either side of an arch, extending from the vertex or crown to the impost.


  • the projecting part of each side of the body formed by the side of the pelvis and the upper part of the femur and the flesh covering them; haunch.
  • Iin architecture) the inclined projecting angle formed by the junction of a sloping side and a sloping end, or of two adjacent sloping sides, of a roof.


  • the hind part of the body of an animal as the hindquarters of a quadruped or sacrum of a bird.
  • (chiefly British) a cut of beef from this part of the animal, behind the loin and above the round.
  • the last, unimportant or inferior part.
  • the remnant of a legislature, council, etc., after a majority of the members have resigned or been expelled.

Of course, the above words are only part of the whole range of buttock vocabulary I can think of at the moment. If you come up with some more, please let me know.

A girl giggles (giggle03.gif--244x344) To PART 1

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Wow! I like farting June. Tell me how to let her do just that.
    - Farting Buddha

Once you start learning JavaScript, you will make it with ease. The code is as follows:

<embed MASTERSOUND name="myFart"
    src="../sound/fart2.wav" loop="false"
    autostart="false" hidden="true">

<a href="javascript:;"
<img align="right" name="assPic" border="0"
      width="320" height="240"></a>

The onClick and onDblClick are called event handlers, whose usage is explained in this page: how to use an event handler.

The EMBED tag is explained in this page: Have a Good Time with this Jukebox!

If you want to know more about JavaScript, please visit this page: JavaScript Table of Contents.
    - Akira

Copyright Akira Kato
About this author:
  • Educated both in Canada and Japan
  • Traveled extensively in Europe, Far East, and North America
  • Worked as management consultant, computer systems analyst, college instructor and freelance writer.
Akira Kato

World Cup Trivia

The biggest upset in a final occurred at the 1998 World Cup, when Host France thrashed favorites
Brazil 3 - 0.

Soccer player and fallen goalkeeper (socer22.jpg--137x103) Possibly the most infamous goal in the World Cup was scored in 1986, when archrivals Argentina and England met. Argentina’s Diego Maradona leapt high for a ball and used his hand to tap it past the goalkeeper and into the net. The goal became known as the “The Hand of God”.

The 1950 World Cup was the only competition without a real final. Host Brazil needed only a draw against Uruguay to win. A world record 200,000 fans watched as Uruguay came from behind to win 2 -1.

Three soccer players (socer12.jpg--138x106) For a few, winning in the World Cup is not everything. In 1990 United Arab Emirates players were promised a Rolls-Royce for every goal the team scored. UAE lost all three games, but scored twice.


Soccer ball animation  (soccer2.gif--120x60)

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