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January 9, 2004

Two comical killers (killer25.gif--429x573)


Dressed to kill (dressed2kill.gif--250x112)

When your girlfriend is dressed to kill, she doesn’t literally mean to kill you. When you look up the word kill in your dictionary, you will see the following definitions:


verb [mainly transitive verb]

  1. [sometimes followed by off]
    to cause the death of (a person or animal)

  2. to put an end to; destroy
    example: to kill someone's interest

  3. to make (time) pass quickly, esp. while waiting for something

  4. to deaden (sound)

  5. (informal) to tire out; exhaust
    example: The effort killed him.

  6. (informal) to cause to suffer pain or discomfort
    example: My shoes are killing me.

  7. (informal) to cancel, cut, or delete
    example: to kill three lines of text

  8. (informal) to quash, defeat, or veto
    example: The bill was killed in the House of Lords.

  9. (informal) to switch off; stop
    example: to kill a motor

  10. (informal) to overcome with attraction, laughter, surprise, etc.
    example: She was dressed to kill.
    example: His gags kill me.

  11. (slang) to consume (alcoholic drink) entirely
    example: He killed three bottles of rum.

  12. (in tennis, squash, etc.) to hit (a ball) so hard or so accurately that the opponent cannot return it

  13. (in soccer) to bring (a moving ball) under control; trap

  14. (informal) to overexert
    example: Don't kill yourself.

So, in this situation, your girlfriend is dressed to attract you or seduce you to her advantage.

When you give her a killer present such as a $50,000-worth diamond necklace, then you can take advantage of the situation.

In this case, “killer” is useed as adjective and means “best, more than excellent, superb, one-of-a-kind, etc”.




  • superb, excellent, fashionable, stylish, elegant, great

Betty winks (bettywk2.gif--185x596)
Wanna buy my goods?
Please click me!

  • beau
  • chic
  • cracking
  • dandy
  • dashing
  • far-out
  • groovy
  • neat
  • sleek
  • smart
  • smashing
  • snapping
  • snappy
  • snazzy
  • super-duper
  • swanky
  • swell
  • voguish
  • way-out


Did you see that killer bike he was riding?

Jeez, you can find some weird stuff online. The other day, I stumbled across the Kirk-Spock gay/erotic fiction site. Whoa!

Now, I talk about some delay of the scheduled release of the beta for the much-awaited MacOS X on September 13th. I'm a little annoyed at all those who are saying "about time" and "you promised us Summer." These ballyhoos don't appear to be based soundly in reality. It takes time to build an operating system from scratch. Don’t you all remember Microsoft’s repeated delays of Windows 95 and 98, neither of which was really a total rewrite (witness DOS’s omnipresence).

I’d much rather have Apple delay the release and make it rock-solid. And, I quite honestly feel that those whining about the “delays” are only doing more harm to the Mac community. Rather, let’s generate excitement about a product that we know will be a truly killer app. Let other companies (ahem...who might that be) produce the much-hyped and abysmal-performing vaporware.

The much-hyped and abysmal-performing vaporware might be Longhorn of Microsoft. If you don’t know about Longhorn, please click the following link.

A next-generation OS Coming soon near you
from Microsoft?


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I use “make it snappy” quite often in the sense of making it quick. Does “snappy” also mean “superb“? I’ve never used it in that sense.

    - John Sanger

Yes, it also means “superb“ or excellent in the manners or the way you dress yourself.

For more information, please click this link. A new window will open up.

    - Akira

Copyright Akira Kato
About this author:
  • Educated both in Canada and Japan
  • Traveled extensively in Europe, Far East, and North America
  • Worked as management consultant, computer systems analyst, college instructor and freelance writer.
Akira Kato

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