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January 2, 2004

A mack and his girlfriend (girl13x.gif--480x644)


In the 15th century, this word appeared as a shortened form of the obsolete mackerel, from Old French macquerel, of uncertain origin. It meant a pimp.

From macquerel came the French word “maquereau”, which means “mackerel”, “pimp” or “brothel-keeper”. With reference to “mackerel”, it probably meant a fish-dealer in a euphemistic manner. “Mackerel” originally derives from the late Latin macerellus, which might have referred to only the fish.

Unfortunately, “mack” does not show up in my old dictionary (The Random House College Dictionary; published in 1975).

This word, however, means something else if you use it in the United Kingdom. It is a short form for mackintosh or macintosh, and means:

  1. a waterproof raincoat made of rubberized cloth
  2. such cloth
  3. any raincoat
This British word also came out in the 19th Century. It was named after Charles Macintosh (1760-1843), who invented it.

In this page, I’m talking about the former.


  1. pimp; someone who procures customers for whores
    In England they call a pimp a ponce.
  2. playboy; one who is good with the opposite sex, usually a male.


  • playboy
  • mack daddy
  • pimp
  • ponce (in England)
  • pandar
  • fancy man
  • panderer
  • procurer
  • whoremonger
  • whoremaster


Tony is such a mack. He gets all the best-looking girls.


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I cannoy find “pandar” in my dictionary. What does that mean?
    - Terry daSilva

It is the same as a pimp or someone who procures customers for whores.

    - Akira

Copyright Akira Kato
About this author:
  • Educated both in Canada and Japan
  • Traveled extensively in Europe, Far East, and North America
  • Worked as management consultant, computer systems analyst, college instructor and freelance writer.
Akira Kato

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