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July 7, 2003

When I entered “modelicious” in the Google.com search box, it suggested “modulicious” as shown below:

Google search results for modelicious (modeli01.gif--578x432)

It is nice to see such a userfriendly suggestion, but my spelling was correct, and I was not interested in anything other than “modelicious” at that time. But “modulicious” is also new to me. So I come back to check it out.

The google search results are as follows:

Google search results for modulicious (moduli02.gif--517x404)

As in the case of “modelicious”, the first impression tells me about a possibility of a combined word with “modular” and “delicious”.

  • of or pertaining to a module or a modulus.

  • composed of standardized units or sections for easy construction or flexible arrangements:
    a modular home.

  • highly pleasing to the senses, especially to taste or smell:
    a delicious dinner; a delicious aroma.

  • very pleasing; delightful:
    a delicious sense of humor.

The above search results tell me that the word has something to do with furniture. In this case, therefore, it probably means “modular, functionally pleasing, and delightful”.

To back up my definition, I search the above-listed sites for some usage. The following are two examples:

  • modulicious units

    modulicious units (moduli03.gif--466x124)

  • modulicious bed

    modulicious bed (moduli04.jpg--295x168)

My definition seems to get along well with the above examples.


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Copyright Akira Kato
About this author:
  • Educated both in Canada and Japan
  • Traveled extensively in Europe, Far East, and North America
  • Worked as management consultant, computer systems analyst, college instructor and freelance writer.
Akira Kato

Accent furniture (furnit02.jpg--386x261)

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