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Space out
January 12, 2004

A space girl spaces out (space820.jpg--520x390)


A “space” is an area or place. If you “space out”, you mentally drift away from the place you are currently placed, and go off into empty, dreamy space as shown in the above cartoon.


Space out

Verb phrase

  • place a space, hit a carriage return
  • become absent-minded,
    lose all concentration,
    slip out of normal consciousness,
    have nothing on your mind,
    be heedless,
    listen to someone with unhearing ears,
    stare fixedly at nothing in particular with consciousness miles away

Betty winks (bettywk2.gif--185x596)
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  • get doped
  • be empty-headed
  • be dull-witted
  • remain preoccupied
  • be reckless
  • be thoughtless
  • zone out


I spaced out while my teacher talked about the mid-term exam.

After working on my hormwork for five hours straight, I spaced out in front of my computer.




  • a person who does not understand the situation at hand


  1. dumbbell
  2. fool
  3. muggins
  4. sap
  5. saphead
  6. tomfool
  7. weakling


What a space-out, she doesn't even know what's going on!

After “The Fifth Elephant”, I tried to content myself with magazines and newspapers but by last night, I grew restless again. I took a library book off the bedroom shelf and started to read, only to find that I’d already read it. What a space-out I am! I didn’t remember that I’d read Bruce Sterling’s Distraction last year, even after reading the inside flap.




  • dazed by the use of alcohol or narcotic drugs


  1. bedazed
  2. dazed
  3. doped
  4. drugged
  5. drunk
  6. foggy
  7. groggy
  8. narcotized
  9. stunned
  10. stupefied
  11. stuporous


This pill called “ecstasy” has a spaced-out effect.

Jimmy remained spaced out for quite a while after taking an ecstasy pill.


If you aren’t sure about how to use a hyphen, please visit this page: Using Hyphens.


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What is “ecstasy”? Is it a real drug?

    - Russ Gordons

Yes, it is. It is one of popular drugs in North America. Ecstasy is MDMA, or 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine. It belongs to a family of drugs called “entactogens”, which literally means “touching within”.

Before it was made illegal in 1985, MDMA was used by psychiatrists as a therapeutic tool. MDMA is a mood elevator that produces a relaxed, euphoric state. However, it does not produce hallucinations.

    - Akira

Copyright Akira Kato
About this author:
  • Educated both in Canada and Japan
  • Traveled extensively in Europe, Far East, and North America
  • Worked as management consultant, computer systems analyst, college instructor and freelance writer.
Akira Kato

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