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Wig out
December 28, 2003

“Wig out” seems to be familiar, but I cannot find it in my old dictionary: The Random House College Dictionary (published in 1975).

Verb phrase

Its meaning is as follows:

  • get excited
  • surprise, lose one’s mind, go crazy



A mad judge (judge05.gif--240x263) The idea behind the term came out because, when you get extremely mad, your hair or your wid might jump off your head.

You can use the term in a positive manner. You will wig out when you hear really superb music, for example.

To see the judge in action, please move your mouse over the picture.

To stop the animation, simply move it out.


  • excite
  • madden
  • get pleased
  • get excited
  • lose your cool
  • flip your wig

Usage A wife wigs out when she finds her husband with her best friend in bed (wigout2.gif--300x326)

Marilyn wigged out when she found her husband in bed with her best friend.

I hope Johnny won’t wig out when we tell him we’ve lost his dog.

Tom really wigged out when he liestened to the Fifth Symphony of Ludwig Van Beethoven for the first time.

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How can you set up the animation like that?
    - Ted Oscar

It is not too difficult, but you have to learn Javascript to do just that.

The code is as follows:

<a href="javascript:;"
<img name="judge" border="0" align="right"
  alt="A mad judge"
  width="240" height="263"></a>

To learn more about Javascript, please visit the Javascript table of contents.

    - Akira

Copyright Akira Kato
About this author:
  • Educated both in Canada and Japan
  • Traveled extensively in Europe, Far East, and North America
  • Worked as management consultant, computer systems analyst, college instructor and freelance writer.
Akira Kato

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