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Why don’t you turn your stories into eBook and sell those?
This is the only tool you need for that.

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You’re at the right place if you’re looking for the no-nonsense HTML tips and secrets.

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Why don’t you take a break and read these insightful articles !

May 3, 2002
A magician (magic.jpg--250x258) Let Keywords Work Magic !

Keywords become extremely important, especially when you submit your site to the search engines that use a spider or a robot to crawl Web sites to index. Learn how to come up with powerful keywords.

May 2, 2002
A charming smiling girl (pic275f.jpg--123x151) Demystify HTTP-EQUIV !

With the HTTP-EQUIV attribute (directive), you can achieve many more things than you can imagine.

May 1, 2002
An animated spider (spider.gif--84x85) How to Help a Robot or a Web spider

When you submit your site to a search engine that uses a spider or a robot, the engine only asks you for one thing: your URL. Why? Simple, it sends a spider to crawl your site for all the other details. If you know how to help the spider, you would be better off.

April 25, 2002
A girl in bikini (girl33g.jpg--240x210) Apply Transition to Your Page with IE!

You learn how to incorporate transition to your page with a meta tag and its http-equiv attribute. You can do it much easier than you think.

April 21, 2002
A girl in bikini (girl34gs.jpg--160x139) Check what fonts
you have!

Have you ever wondered how many fonts you have on your system? Do you know how to check? Come on in to learn it.

April 19, 2002
Mona Lisa (mona3.jpg--212x180) You Can Turn a TABLE into a Background!

For a better effect, you can use a table as a background for presentation of your animation.

April 17, 2002
A smiling geisha girl(jgalface.jpg--253x198) Pick up the numeric value of an Oriental Character!

This article tells you how to obtain the numeric values of Oriental (Han) characters.

April 17, 2002
A smiling Unicode (unicode.gif--228x237) What is Unicode?

Unicode provides a unique number for every character, no matter what the platform, no matter what the program, no matter what the language.

April 11, 2002
META Tag Made Easy!




Have you ever wondered how you use the META tag, how many names are available, what kind of special functions it performs, how it helps your page’s ranking in the search list. If those are your question, this is the page you’re looking for.
April 10, 2002
Demystify MIME!

Your browser can identify and handle a multimedia file with the information provided by its MIME type.

April 1, 2002
A smiling girl (artface04.jpg--326x334) Be Specific with WIDTH!

Your page looks perfect on IE, right? However, if you haven't specified the width of your table. The looks of your page depend on a viewer's browser.

March 25, 2002
Beware of Named Entities!

Not all the
entities might
be supported
by your

March 18, 2002
a lady from the rising sun with a pistol (007c.gif--151x192) A Little Secret About <DL> Tag
Do you know that a common use of the definition list has nothing to do with definitions? For example, you can add custom bullets to an otherwise unordered list. Wanna find it out? Please come on in!
March 18, 2002
a girl in bikini locked in the frame (nude225b.gif--268x394) Beware of <IFRAME> Tag! Not all browsers support this tag. When you place the links inside the IFRAME, your visitors might be locked within the IFRAME even if they link to the page of another site.
March 14, 2002
Two cute girls (girl33d.jpg--240x210) Your page can mimic a frame-set page without FRAMESET!

Most of those directory and search engines use robots or web crawlers (automatic indexing programs) to list millions of Web pages. And most robots have difficulty in dealing with a page with frames. If you are thinking of creating a business-oriented Web site, you might be interested in getting around this problem. Is there any way to get around? Oh, yes, there is. Come on in to see an eye-catching example.
March 13, 2002
Imagemap Made Easy!

With an image map, you can click part of your picture and pick up one from many choices.
right arrow (right9.gif--43x35)

The links below guide you to the right place for the right tips. A new window will appear.

June 4, 2001 META Tag Specification
You can get everything about META tags here—the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) site.
May 23, 2001 How To Control Search Engines
Notes on helping search engines index your Web site from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
May 12, 2001 HTML 4.01 Full Specification
If you cannot find your topic on this page, then you should be able to find on this site of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
April 16, 2001 What is HTML? The beginners’ Guide
The HTML Clinic tutorials are designed to guide you through the complete process of building a web page. Start at the top and go through each section. By the time you are finished you’ll have a web page you can be proud of!
April 16, 2001maneki.gif(48x48) An animated bye-bye cat A nice and quick right-to-the-point HTML tag reference
Unlike long, tedious, wordy references, this will clearly tell you what king of HTML tags need what sorts of attributes.
right arrow (right9.gif--43x35)

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