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Mysteries and Wonders in History
Did Madame de Montespan really manipulate the French royal court with love potion and poison?
August 19, 2003


The voluptuous marchioness who manipulated the royal court with love potion and poison

Madame de Montespan (spacer.gif--1x1)

Madame de Montespan (spacer.gif--1x1)
In the 17th century at the French royal court of the Sun king Louis XIV dueled two beauties: lovely Louise like a violet that bloomed in the fields and Marchioness Montespan, the arrogant and volupteous lady. Although the people at the court paid a close attention to this duel, the fighting seemed unbalanced.

Louise, a modest woman, offered true love to the king while voluptuous Madame de Montespan acted like an ambitious beauty who had decided to keep the king under her spell by all means.

Therefore, Madame de Montespan would visit Catherine La Voisin, the notorious quack practitioner and poison vendor. She wanted to poison Louise so that she could take over her opponent as the king’s sweetheart.

Here, I’ll tell you an unbelievable anecdote about Madame de Montespan. Searving as a human altar, she took part in the blasphemous black Mass. Taking off all the clothes, she lay down on the altar covered by black cloth. The administering priest held up a baby above her and, while chanting a spell, thrust the knife into the baby's throat. When blood spouted out, dripping over her white-skinned body, she felt thrilled with a rapture of orgasmic sensation.

The whole blood of the baby was extracted over a chalice. The priest’s assistant cut and tore its belly, and then took out the internal organs. When the priest handed over the chalice containing the baby’s blood, Madame de Montespan drank it up at a gulp.

Did she really perform such an outrageous rite? Regrettably, you cannot get any concrete evidence for the above event. Although nobody can prove that Madame de Montespan actually took part of in the black Mass, it seems quite apparent that many people performed the rites of the same nature. Since Madame de Montespan eventually kept the Sun king under her spell, her rivals fired their jealousy and spread over such a disgusting anecdote about her.

In any case, the Sun king came under the spell of Madame de Montespan, but after a while, he got bored with her and started to flirt with other women. So, to put her rivals and the king to death, she again consulted with Madame La Voisin.

Although Madame de Montespan had learned to send a poison-bearing letter of petition to the king, before realizing, the police began to investigate the conspiracy before she actually send it, and arrested La Voisin. Madame de Montespan had also been banished from the court at last. This is the outline of the infamous “Poison Affaires of the century” during the reign of the Sun king.

“Whoever plays with a plot will be ruined by a plot.”
“She or he who plays with magic will go down with magic.”
I remember the above proverbs or similar sayings that originated in China or Japan. Madame de Montespan might have manipulated the court with love potion and poison. However, nobody could keep anything under his or her spell forever. In the first place, therefore, Madame de Montespan came up the wrong idea if she had ever tried it.

Madame de Montespan (spacer.gif--1x1)


Black Mass

Black Mass (spacer.gif--1x1)

La messe noire (Black Mass), 1911
Van Maele, Belgian painter

Although a medieval Sabbat is a revival of the ancient Bacchus festival and took place chiefly outdoors in the countryside, it moved to the inside of a city church, and came to be called “black Mass”.

This Bacchus festival may have spread over to ancient Japan. If you’re interested in the story, please visit this page: Rituals at Asukaza Shrine and Dithyrambos.

The joyous, open-to-the-public festival for the poor masses gradually turned into a dreary locked-up offensive ritual.

In this way, the modern black Mass became an aristocrat’s decadent monopoly that the general public could hardly enjoy. in other words, as christianity gradually seeped into each class, demons could not assemble the public to hold their own festival and, hence, ran into the inside of a church. A black Mass was considered to be a form of resistance from demons who borrowed Christ’s authority, made use of the arms of a church and soiled a sacred Mass. Thus, the demons made their power accepted.

Therefore, the priest who celebrated a black Mass was a scoundrel who mostly delt with the Satan. And, at last, the Satan became a parasite for Christianity.

黒ミサの起源は、一般に中世フランスの南部にひろまり、十二世紀の終りごろ法王グレゴリオ九世の命によって抹殺された、 キリスト教異端アルビ派から出ていると言われています。しかし、このアルピ派がどの程度、実際に悪魔礼拝にふけっていたかについては、たしかな証拠はありません。 It is said that the origin of a black Mass has come out of the Christianity heresy Albi group who generally spread in the south of France medieval times, and was erased by the life of the ninth pope GUREGORIO at the end time of the twelfth century. However, there is no proof with this ARUPI group clear about how much it was actually absorbed in evil spirit worship.

ある研究者によると、アルビ派とは、善悪二元論を信じるゾロアスター教の頽廃した形だそうです。しかし、この一派は、一名純潔派といわれている通り、 きわめて厳格な戒律をもった、禁欲的な集団だったことも事実のようです。 It is said that the Albi group is the form where the Zoroastrianiam which believes good-and-evil dualism was corrupted according to a certain researcher. However, it also seems to be the fact that it was a stoic group with very strict 戒律 as this sect is called one-person purity group.

また、キリストの化肉や十字架の象徴を認めないグノーシス的なテンプル(聖堂)騎士団の流れも、古くから両性神バフォメットを崇拝し、 黒ミサ的な秘儀を行っていたと信じられています。 Moreover, the flow of the Gnostic temple (church) Knights Hospitalers which accept neither Christ's 化肉 nor the symbol of a cross also worships a both-sexes God BAFO helmet for many years, and is believed to have performed black Mass-秘儀.


モンテスパン夫人が体験した淫靡な黒ミサとは。。。 About the 淫靡な黒 Mass which Mrs. Montespan experienced . .

すでに裸になっていたモンテスパン夫人は、このとき、一躍りで、柩の上にかける黒い布に覆われた、粗末なクッションの上に、昂然と横たわりました。 枕に支えられた頭がのけぞり、両脚がのび、腹が肉の小丘のように盛りあがり、乳房よりも高くなっています。黒い仮面の孔から、きらきら輝く彼女の眼が、 じっとギブール司祭を見つめています。それからおもむろに言いました。「どうしたの、ギブールさん」 At this time, Mrs. Montespan who had already become nakedness is 1 dance, and she lay with 昂然 on the poor cushion covered by the black cloth covered on a coffin. the head supported with the pillow -- bending backward -- both legs -- being extended -- a belly -- meat -- small -- it rises like a hill and is high rather than the breast From the hole of a black mask, the eye of her who shines glitteringly is gazing at the GIBURU priest. And it said slowly. "Having carried out what, Mr. GIBURU"
      ギブール司祭は黙想しているようでした。 It seemed that it was mediating on a GIBURU priest.
      「怖じ気づいたの? 酔ってるんじゃないでしょうね? それとも、 あなたのところへ入れかわり立ちかわり餓悔をしに来る女たちが、あなたの精力を涸らしてしまったのかしら?」 "Did it get frightened? Doesn't it get drunk? or the women who come to put in to your place, to change and take turns to it, and to carry out 餓悔 have 涸 done your energy -- ?"
      しかしギブール司祭は耳もかさず、白衣と、袈裟と、腕吊を身につけ、薮睨みの目にいやしげな色を浮かべると、 「まあ、おとなしくして、落ちついていなされ。なんと高慢ちきな御婦人じゃ! わしは七十歳だが、悪魔の料理をたらふく飲み食いしたおかげで、回春の奇蹟にあずかり、 皺だらけの肉体をぴんとさせることもできるのじゃよ。キリストとルシフェルの結合を信ずるがよいぞ・・・」 If it is made to spread, and an ear also attaches かさず, a white robe, a shoulder-worn ornamental robe, and 腕吊 to the body and a GIBURU priest floats a low color on the eye of a bush glare "do by making it gentle, and falling and attaching well. it is proud ちき very -- woman じゃ わ(ing) -- 70 years old, but, it is the favor which ate and drank the devilish dish heartily, and can keep at the miracle of recovery, and flesh full of wrinkles can be carried out tightly -- じゃ . It is good although combination of Christ and RUSHIFERU is believed..."
      裸のモンテスパン夫人はふたたび黙って横になりました。ひっそりした小屋のなかで聞えるのは、 大きく息づく彼女の胸と腹の、にぶい律動音だけです。小さなナプキンが、彼女の太腿の奥の小丘の上にひろげられ、突き出た二つの丸い乳房のあいだに、 十字架が置かれました。聖杯は尻の近くに置かれ、このようにしてミサが始まります。 Naked Mrs. Montespan became silent again and she became width. Only a blunt rhythmic-movement sound of the her breast and the belly to sigh greatly can be heard in the quiet hut. a small napkin -- the back of her 太腿 -- small -- it could extend on the hill and the cross was placed between two round breasts which projected 聖杯 is placed near the hips, it does in this way, and a Mass starts.

司祭のゆがんだ唇が、ふるえるモンテスパン夫人の肉の祭壇に接吻します。祝聖の時が近づくと、ドアが開いて、司祭の手足となって働く娘が入ってきました。 両腕のあいだに、もぞもぞ動く荷物をひとつ抱えています。 The lip with which the priest was distorted kisses the altar of the meat of Mrs. trembling Montespan. When the time of 祝聖 drew near, the door opened and the daughter who becomes hand and foot of a priest and works entered. Among both arms, もぞ is also holding one ぞ動く load.
      「生費はここへ! ここへ持ってくるのじゃ!」 "Student expense is to here! Bringing [ here ] じゃ! "
      祭壇に横たわったモンテスパン夫人の真白な肉体は、黒一色の部屋のなかで、 無垢な聖体パンのようにまぶしく光っています。ナイフが司祭の指のあいだでぶるぶる震え、やがてギブール司祭は赤ん坊を宙吊りにすると、ささやくような声でつぶやきます。 「わが主イエス・キリストは、主のみもとに赤児の来るを拒まぬそうじゃ。されば子供よ、汝もまた主のみもとに帰るがよいぞ。わしは主の司祭なれば、汝はわが手によりて、 めでたく主のみもとに帰るであろう」 a holy body with the pure white flesh of Mrs. Montespan who lay in the altar pure in the room in black Isshiki -- it has shone dazzlingly like bread A knife shivers between the fingers of a priest, and soon, a GIBURU priest will be murmured in voice about which it whispers, if a baby is made into 宙吊り. "My main yes Christ is そうじゃ to which only the Lord does not decline 来る of 赤児 to a basis. it carries out -- having -- ば子供 -- it is good, although 汝 also tries to be main and returns to a basis わ(ing) -- main -- a priest -- if -- 汝 -- my hand -- て -- it tries to be happily main and returns to a basis -- I will come out -- "
      ナイフが振りおろされると、赤ん坊の首が、がくりと前に垂れ、傷口からほとばしり出る血しぶきが、 大波のように起伏する生きた祭壇、モンテスパン夫人の身体や、聖杯のなかに滴り落ちます。彼女が両手を身体から離して、だらりと左右に拡げると、 それが息づく胴体とともに、みだらな十字架の形を象徴することになるのでした。両手に握った、火をともした燭台が、十字架の釘を象徴しています。 やがて海綿のように血をしぼり取られた、赤ん坊の屍骸を、司祭の助手である娘が受げとって、その腹部から臓腑を抜きとるのでした。 If a knife shakes and is taken down, a baby's head will hang down to がくり and a front and the blood splash which spouts and comes out of a wound will drip the body of the useful altar which rises and falls like a large wave, and Mrs. Montespan, and in 聖杯. Since the form of an indecent cross would be symbolized with the body on which it breathes when she separated both hands from the body and it extended right and left loosely, it carried out. The candle holder which was grasped in both hands and which burned fire symbolizes the nail of a cross. The daughter who is the assistant of a priest about a baby's 屍骸 which was able to squeeze out blood like sponge soon extracted 臓腑 from the abdomen as 受げ.
      ギブール司祭は、聖杯のなかの血と葡萄酒をよく混ぜると、言いました。「そはわが肉なり、 わが血なり」それから一息にぐっと飲みこみます。 The GIBURU priest was said when the blood and the wine in 聖杯 were often mixed. It understands suddenly at "そ being my blood in my meat", and a breath.
      モンテスパン夫人が飲むと、血の混った薄桃色の液体が、彼女の口のまわりや、胸や、腹にまであふれるのでした。 When Mrs. Montespan drank, the liquid of thin 桃色 with which blood was mixed was full even of the surroundings of her mouth, the breast, and the belly.

。。。というようなお話が伝わっています。しかし、信じるか否かはあなた次第です。 . . . The talk [ like ] to say has spread. however, a か否か [ believing ] -- you -- it is order


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Copyright June Adams
About this author:

June Adams (juneada2.gif) She has been gone through many jobs such as a girl Friday, a short-order cook, a waitress, an aerobics trainer, a bit-part actress, a model, a receptionist, a bookkeeper and a saleslady at a boutique. She now works as freelance-writer and counselor for foreign students.

She took some courses for journalism and creative writing at community college. Though not educated extensively, June has been quite active in writing since her childhood. More than anything else, she loves to read fascinating, intriguing and yet amusing stories, and now decides to turn her life experiences into stories.

In addition to writing, she likes listening to nice music, traveling in Europe and Far East as well as meeting people with different cultural background.

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