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King Minos


King Minos and two female slaves -- upper part (thronerm2.jpg--481x230)
King Minos and two female slaves -- lower part (thronerm2.jpg--481x213)

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May 29, 2003
The new Dorian king invaded Crete with a force of Aeolians and Pelasgians—the aboriginal inhabitants of Greek and Thracian lands—who spread over from Epirus to several parts of the northern Aegean area, including both sides of the Hellespont.

The invasion force fought the Cretan navy and army. Though formidable on the surface, the navy had already lost the past glory since the Thera Eruption. Once they landed on the northern coast, the Cretan army turned out no match for the invading force. King Zeminos died, leaving his young wife and infant sons. Tectamus became king of Crete. His son, Asterius, re-married Europa, and adopted her sons since he had no sons of his own. Pasiphae looking at 
a bull with passion (pasiphae8x.gif--150x318)

Five years later, Tectamus died of high fever. Asterius then succeeded to his father as king of Crete.

At seventeen Minos married Pasiphae, sister of King Aeetes of Colchis—a land at the eastern end of the Black Sea. She came from all the way from Aea, the capital of Colchis, located near the mouth of the Phasis River. Minos detested the man of the Dorian blood sitting at the throne because he’d stolen his beloved mother.

Once he turned twenty, therefore, Minos engineered a coup d’etat and became king, imprisoning his stepfather Asterius in a secret chamber designed by Daedalus. At the same time, the new king spread the words, saying that he’d recently captured a mysterious, violent monster called the Minotaur that bore a bull’s head on a man’s body in the Labyrinth, a mazelike prison from which no one, once inside, could ever find his way out.

Minos proclaimed that, from then on, the Cretan king would call himself ‘Minos’—an equivalent of an Egyptian ‘Pharaoh’. Under his reign, his maritime nation and his allies—the Lelegians—swayed most Aegean islands.

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I've never heard of King Zeminos. Where did you get this king?
    - Sandra

King Zeminos is my creation. Usually, the mythology text tells you that it is Zeus. However, there must be a real person who actually sired these children. So, I made it up. Sorry to have confused you.
    - Akira
Copyright Akira Kato
About this author:
  • Educated both in Canada and Japan
  • Traveled extensively in Europe, Far East, and North America
  • Worked as management consultant, computer systems analyst, college instructor and freelance writer.
Akira Kato



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